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The influence of the natural-climate zone on the cattle productivity of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed
It has been highlighted the data of researches as for the influence of natural and climatic zones of Ukraine on display of economically useful signs of the most numerous cattle in the country like Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed. It was the grounds to assert the efficiency of resources use in those conditions to which they are most adapted and have genetically determined potential. It was found that cowsof lactation breeding herds in the Forest-steppe zone produced 7344 kg of milk, which is 242 kg and 1125 kg more than in the Steppe and Polissya regions due to significant variation of the characteristic within each climatic zone (Cv = 11.6– 27,5%). The Polissya zone, where the animals' yieldwere 5764 kg, while in other climates 6982–6992 kg, does not contribute to the high productivity of the first lactation cows. It is proved that the duration of the service period in cows of three natural and climatic zones of Ukraine varied from 106 days in Polissya to 126 days – Forest-steppe, but it did not agree with the output of calves per 100 cows, which in 81 Polissya amounted to 82 and Forest-steppe – 79. The heifers of the Steppe zone are inseminated with live weight of 391 kg at the age of 477 days, and the Forest-steppe and Polissya with slightly less 385 kg and 387 kg, respectively, at the age of 493 days and 517 days. There is no significant difference in live weight at the ages of 6, 12 and 18 months between heifers of different natural and climatic zones of Ukraine, but the degree of development of the trait after 6 months was slightly better in cattle of the Steppe zone. A positive correlation was found between milk yield of first lactation cows of all natural climatic zones and their live weight at 6, 12 and 18 months of age, as well as negative calf age at first insemination (-0.587 ... -0.810) with significant correlation from the cattle of the Steppe zone. A high correlation coefficient (+0.703) was found in cows between live weight of heifers at first insemination and first lactation in the Polissya region. Key words: natural and climatic zones, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed, cows, yield, lactation, live weight, reproductive ability indicators, selection traits.
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