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The mathematical model for forecasting the accumulation of heavy metals in pig production
The results of research represent the impact of extensive doses of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium in store pigs bodies. Heavy metals were fed jointly and individually in the doses exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations in the fodder by 10 and 20 times. Therefore, the process of intoxication of the biological object (a swine) by heavy metals is modeled in a way similar to that, which might occur as the result of environmental pollution. The study was performed in order to determine the targets and the extent of the impact of heavy metals exerted upon the body weight, weight of inner parts of the animal body, and the incorporation rate of heavy metals in the swine breeding products. Statistical processing of the obtained data allowed developing mathematical models and determining the correlational relationships between the aspects under investigation. It is determined that heavy metals exert an essential negative impact upon the rate of animal growth and the power of influence increases with the dose. It is also confirmed by a high value of correlational relationship between these parameters (the correlation coefficient (r) is 0.854). Thus, the body weight of swine during the latter of I-II stagesdecreased by 5.5 to 14.8% as it was compared to the control under the influence of hemotoxic substances. The extent of the impact was also dependent upon the toxin itself. Thus, the largest negative effect was observed both under the impact of cadmium only and of cadmium and lead taken together. The highest accumulation of heavy metals was observed in the liver and kidneys, whereas the lowest – in the muscles. The built regression equations showed that increasing of the dose of the relevant element in the fodder exerted the main impact on concentration of cadmium and lead in the body and meat. The content of cadmium in the fodder exerted an impact upon concentration of lead in the meat – with the increase of cadmium concentration the content of lead in the meat decreased. The results of the studies provide an overview of the targets and the extent of the impact exerted by heavy metals upon biological objects. The mathematical models may be used for prediction of the impact and the incorporation rate value of the hemotoxic substances in the swine breeding products. Key words: lead, cadmium, swine breeding products, ecocide environmental impact, migration of xenobiotic, mathematical model.
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