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This article demonstrates the results of studies dealing with the influence of fresh cow tolerance to stress on the productivity, ethological, and hierarchical characteristics under conditions of voluntary robotized milking.
The research was carried out in Terezine robotic dairy farm on the first calve cows of the Ukrainian black-and-white breed (n = 50) during 2nd-3rd month of lactation. At the same time, according to the type of stress resistance, the cows were divided into three groups: high stress resistant – those that did not have or had insignificant conditioned reflectory inhibition of milk production; the medium stress resistant – in which up to 66.7 % of the conditional inhibition of milk production and up to 33.3 % of unconditional inhibition of milk production was observed and low stress resistant – in which more than
66.7 % had conditioned and more than 33.3% unconditioned reflectory inhibition.
It has been researched that lactating cows with high tolerance to stress are characterized by high adaptive plasticity to the stressors and the ability to maintain stable milk productivity. The productivity of cows with moderate resistance to stress has decreased by 2.17 kg (or 8.49 %), against the background of the milk-yield stability of cows with high tolerance to stress and cows with low tolerance to stress by 5.68 kg (or 22.54 %). The cows with high resistance to stress occupy the dominant positions in the rank hierarchy of the herd. More often they visit the milking machine and feed station, consume more concentrated feed, and adapt more quickly to the conditions of milking than cows with moderate and low resistance to stress.
Key words: stress, adaptation, robotized milking, hierarchy, milk productivity, feed station.
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