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The Prospects of genetic resources of horse using in Ukraine
The high-priority task in international and national agricultural programsis to preserve the genetic resources of livestock and develop some ways to use them effectively, because there is a tendency in the world where we can see the reduction of the breed composition of domesticated animal species. Today, horse farms are unprofitable, do not have the funds for expanded reproduction, and accordingly the population of valuable breeds of horses is reduced, the general gene pool is impoverished. The aim of the study was to analyze and highlight the current state of horse breeding in Ukraine, the characteristics of domestic breeds of breeding horses, which are the basis for breeding work, and forecasting their importance in the breed process. To analyze the state of development of horse breeding in Ukraine, the State Register of subjects of breeding in animal husbandry for 2005-2018 and the data of long-term research in the field of horse breeding in Ukraine were used. There were used the methods of system generalization, graphic, analytical and comparative-statistical. The analysis of the state development of horse breeding in Ukraine has been carried out. It was also proved that in the conditions of a long crisis for the last 14 years pedigree horse breeding in Ukraine has undergone a significant decrease in the number of livestock, narrowing of the breed structure and change of ownership. At the beginning of 2019 in Ukraine, according to the State Register of Breeding Entities in Animal Husbandry, there are 38 breeding entities: 18 stud farms, 20 breeding breeders. The largest number of breeding horses is concentrated in the eastern regions of Ukraine: Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhia. It is established that the leaders in the number of factory breeds of horses are the Ukrainian horse, Orel trotter and purebred horse. During the period from 2005 to 2019, the horse breeding industry in Ukraine suffered significant losses, and the number of breeding horses decreased more than twice. However, over the last year in Poltava, Kyiv, Khmelnytsky regions there have been tendencies to increase the number of breeding horses. Some breeds of horses can be used both in the breeding process and for custom of crossbreeding for sports. Key words: breed, horse farm, breeding breeder, livestock, stallion, mare, foal yield.
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