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Integrated influence of the structured solution on the preservation and energy of the growth of pig-sauces
Piglet's preservation is a relevant, important and an urgent issue that needs prompt attention. The main concern of our subject was to provide and ensure a stable porker's viability, an increase rate in it's fertility in order to meet the needs of the now-a-days market with high quality and ecologically pure livestock product. Biological and agricultural peculiarities of a porker species along with it's low cost maintenance creates not only favorable overall profitability in this industry but also favorable obtaining of nutritious and high quality tasting meat.
Very often modern technologies and programs of pig keeping creates contradictions and incompatibilities between porker's physiological capabilities and it's surrounding environment. Stressful conditions lead to strains in all porker's basic functional systems. In this case the main objective for live stock specialists remains assurance of preventing diseases and system's homeostasis imbalances that in it's case can deteriorate into environmental pollution and contamination.
The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of induced immune stimulant "Mobes" examined on piglets. This medication was created to increase viability and vigor in animals.
This scientific and technological research was undertaken in LCC " Maloantonoske" of Kiev region, bila tserkva district. Seventy (70) piglet – analogues were used in research, with age at the beginning of experiment ranged equally from three to five days. "Big white" breed of piglets was divided into 8 groups: two groups of 10 species that were not undergoing research and six experimental groups with the same amount in each. Biologically active component was injected intramuscular on inner thighs of animals. Live stock feeding and keeping conditions were maintained identical and met all sanitary and hygienic requirements. "Mobes" was used twice daily with a dosage of 0,2 ml on second -fifth day after birth, and three to five days before piglets were to be taken away from Service Sow. Prior to be used medication was treated with high frequency ultra electromagnetic radiation ( EMR UHF, "Politon -2" device), an exposure of 0.5-10 min. In the course of research the following methods were used: zoohygienic (M.V. Demchuk,1994), zoothechnical ( preservation, viability), clinical and physiological (V.I. Levchenko,2004), morphological (V.I. Levchenko,2004), biochemical (V.I. Levchenko, 2004), and variation- statistical. It was found that the most optimal dosage of induced immune stimulant "Mobes" for piglets is 2,0 ml injected twice daily on third-fifth day after birth and three-five days before to be taken away from Service Sow, with interval in 3 minutes. Optimum dosage of induced medication "Mobes" increased active processes of erytrotsytopoez, therefore increase of homoglobin content in piglet's blood plasma upto 10,5% (P<0,05), increase of erythrocytes – upto 19,6% (P<0,05%), leukocytes – upto 1,0% and plateaus – upto 1,6%.
It was also found that usage of induced medications "Mobes" promotes protein synthesis in animal organisms. We have discovered that protein content of piglet's peripheral blood plasma was increased by 8,4%. At the same time activity of transaminase processes increased within the adherent limits: AST activities – by 2,0%, ALT – by 5,0%. Injections of induced immune stimulant "Mobes" reduced the deficiency of micro elements, such as: inorganic phosphorus, calcium upto 7,2% and 9,1% ( P<0,05) respectively, as well as biotic micro elements of iron, copper and zinc upto 12,9%; 11,5% and 10,3% (P<0,05) respectively.
Additional usage of "Mobes" medication, depending on dosage injected, increased vitality and viability upto 90-100% in experimental groups and 85% in groups which were not undergoing research. Piglets from experiment groups were observed to be having a significant increase in the rate of growth, approximately upto 12,5 -19,0%.
Key words: biological features, safety, resistance, immunostimulating structured drug Mobes erythropoiesis, metabolism, energy of growth, profitability.
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