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Efficiency of use of zinc mixed liganding complex in compound feeds for chicken broilers
The effectiveness of the use of zinc mixed-ligand complex in feed for broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 was studied.
It was found that the reduction of the dose of introduction into compound feeds for broiler chickens, for periods of cultivation of 5-21, 22-35 and 36-42 days, of mixed zinc complex from 60, 50 and 40 g to 45, 37,5 and 30 g of the element per 1 ton of compound feed shows the best results.
Live weight of broilers of the 2nd group, which depending on the growing period 5-21, 22-35 and 36-42 days, consumed feed with mixed ligand complex Zinc in a dose corresponding to the introduction of 37.5, 30.0 and 25, 0 g of element per 1 ton of compound feed was the highest and at the age of 42 was 2669.2 g, which was 7.1% higher than that of the control group chickens.
It was found that the use of zinc mixed-ligand complex in the doses corresponding to the introduction, by age, 37,5, 30,0 and 25,0 and 30,0, 25,0 and 20,0 g of element per ton of compound feed, compared with the introduction of mixed ligand complex at doses corresponding to the introduction of 1 t of compound feed 45, 37.5 and 30 g of element, increases the average daily increments for the whole period of the experiment by 4.2 and 2.9 g, or 7.2 (P <0, 05) and 5.1%.
Feeding mixed fodder with zinc mixed ligand increased sales revenue by 28.4% and profitability of broiler meat production from 37.2% to 47.1%. Thus, the profit per head increased from 22.6 to 28.65 UAH.
As a result of the production check, it is established that, provided the same selling price for the products, the use of compound feeds with the addition of zinc zinc-ligand complex has a positive effect on the conservation of livestock, increases the weight of the carcass, reduces feed costs for growth, which leads to increased profits increasing the level of profitability of meat production of broiler chickens.
Key words: zinc mixed ligand complex, zinc sulfate, broiler chickens, daily average gain, control group, experimental group, economic efficiency, production check.
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