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The reproductive qualities of sows of irish breeding depending on the length of the suckling period and the season of the year in the conditions of an industrial complex
In this research the influence of the season of the year and reduction of the weaning time of piglets on the reproductive qualities of sows were compared. It was established that the sows of the control group were distinguished by the best largefruited sowing, with the excess of the experimental one by 1.45–5.76%. A high percentage of piglets’livability was found in the sows of the experimental group (0.6–3.59%) compared with the control. The highest value of this indicator is observed in winter (92,62%), and the lowest – in spring (89,16%). The best indicator of multiplicity was observed in animals with a shortened feeding period during the winter and summer season with an excess of sows of the control group by 0.50-4.14%. The largest number of piglets of the experimental group is observed in the spring season (14.35 heads), and the smallest – in the autumn (13.11 heads). In the winter and spring seasons in the experimental group of animals the number of piglets at birth was higher by 0.21-2.84%, and in the summer and autumn time the sows of the control group were dominated by animals with shortened suckling period by 0.54-5.34 %. There is a well-marked trend towards a decrease in the number of piglets weaned during the winter and autumn period in the animals of the control and experimental groups. The largest number of piglets was weaned in winter (12.66 heads) and the smallest in autumn (11.86 heads) in the experimental group. It was established the probable influence of the season of the year on multiplicity (1.77%), preservation (6.20%) and number of piglets at weaning (3.33%). The influence of the suckling period factor was found to be significant for indicators of multiplicity (0.68%), safety (3.04%), and number of piglets at weaning (2.4%). The interaction of the factors of the suckling period and the season on the multiplicity was 3.29%, the preservation – 0.13% and the number of pigs in weaning – 1.42%. According to a comprehensive assessment of the reproductive qualities of the sows of the control group were better during the spring and summer season (46,68-47,56 points), the animals of the control group received more points in winter and autumn.
Key words: sow, weaning, piglets, suckling period, daily gain, multiplicity, preservation.
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