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The Productivity of bee colonies on different temperature parameters and duration of the winter rape flowering period
The production of honey and pollen by bee colonies at different temperatures and durations of winter rape flowering periods in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe has been studied. The influence of ambient temperature and duration of winter rape flowering period on the production of commercial honey and bee pollen was established. The need of bee colonies for food and the level of nectarproductive plants in the radius of their achievement by bees contributes to the demographic movement of these insects on the planet. Due to the healing and highly nutritious properties of bees processing nectar and pollen, honey, perga, royal jelly and other beekeeping products are widely and constantly used, which require a stronger honey base and increase its productivity. Therefore, nectar and pollen of plants are an important component in the existence of the honey bee and its evolutionary development. Over the last century, one of the most important environmental problems on the planet has been global warming, which has resulted in climate change. Agriculture, in particular crop production, was the most vulnerable to climate change. A slight decrease in the supply of nectar and pollen of plants in nature significantly affects the existence of the honey bee. First of all, their development and productivity are reduced, there is an increase in the level of the disease and a decrease in the efficiency of the industry as a whole. There are known facts of bee colonies taking off and moving from lowyielding nectar-pollinating lands to more productive ones. With a decrease in air temperature compared to the optimal +22 ° C during the flowering of winter rape, regardless of the length of its stay in this phase, there was a decrease in honey production from 23.8% to 76.2% and bee pollen from 33.3% to 55.5% . Key words: bee colonies, winter rape, honey, bee pollen, temperature flowering.
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