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The Resource-saving technology of growing repair young stock
The article highlights the results of research dealing with the assessment of the new resource-saving technology for growing heifers that has been developed and implemented in DLC "Terezino" of Bila Tserkva district in Kyiv region. The conditions of keeping and behavior of heifers in individual houses during the first month after birth at subzero temperatures and when transferring them to group cages were studied. Studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of milk substitution use. It was found that the composition of milk substitutes have been optimally regulated and such indicators as fat, protein and lactose content are in a stable state. Milk substitutes have a very low bacterial contamination, which has a positive effect on the physiological state of dairy heifers, their growth and development. Animals are sick rarely and provide 100% preservation of young animals. An assessment of new easily build premises in ensuring a quality microclimate has been provided. It has been established that the presence of side curtains and lightaeration ridge in the construction of these premises increases air exchange and reduces the level of harmful gases to a minimum level. The ammonia content in the placement constitutes 1.75 mg / m3 against 22 mg / m3 in traditional premises. The presence of hydrogen sulfide is twice less indoors and constitutes (5.2 mg / m3 vs. 10 mg / m3 according to regulations). It has been established that the division of sections for keeping of repair heifers of the cattle for feeding and recreation area has a positive effect on their behavior, and the presence of a feed table and feeding of heifers with complete ration wet mixes ensures their growth and development in accordance with existing regulations. The use of new resource-saving technology for growing of breeding replacement heifers in this farm allows to reduce labor costs for the production of 1centner of growth up to 3.7 people / hour against 9.2 people/ hour according to traditional technologies. Key words: resource-saving technology, repair heifers, individual houses, milk substitutes, easily assembled premises.
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