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The growth rate of repair young pigs of Irish origin, depending on the combination of the original breeds
The article studied the growth dynamics of purebred and local gilts from birth to 180 days of age. The growth rate of these animals during the rearing period and the regularities of the difference in the growth rate of purebred and local pigs were also investigated. The uneven growth dynamics of both purebred and local replacement gilts has been established. The pigs obtained from the direct and reverse variants of crossbreeding of parental breeds grew more dynamically in comparison with their peers obtained from the purebred variant of breeding of the original breeds. Among purebred gilts, by weaning, the live weight of the Landrace breed increased more dynamically, while after weaning, the animals of the large white breed stood out with a greater intensity increase in live weight. Local gilts did not have a significant difference in the increase in live weight depending on the crossing option, although there was a tendency for a higher increase in live weight with age in pigs from Large White queens and Landrace boars compared to the reciprocal crossing option. During the period of rearing gilts, the highest growth rates were observed in local sows, both from the direct and reverse variants of crossing the animals of the original breeds. Purebred animals of both original breeds were inferior in growth intensity during the period of breeding to their local counterparts 3.0 – 6.3%. Among purebred animals, the least intensive growth during the period of breeding was the Landrace pigs, which were inferior in these indicators to the analogs of the Large White breed by 3.2%, and to the local pigs of both combinations by 6.3%. The advantages in live weight of local replacement gilts are due to their greater growth intensity in the period from weaning to testing at 180 days, which in turn is due to various forms of heterosis manifestation.
Key words: mumps, parent breeds, purebred breeding, crossing, heterosis, live weight, growth rate.
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