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Setting the critical control points according to the HACCP system for the production of butter by whipping cream

The article highlights the features of butter production by the method of hammering cream in batch and continuous butter makers and the stages of implementation of the HACCP system in butter production. The preparatory steps and principles of the system used in the development of the HACCP plan are considered. To obtain a safe and quality product, a preventive approach was developed, which is based on the principle of critical control points in the analysis of hazards. For this purpose, we used regulations and recommendations harmonized with international state standards. Analyzing the method of butter production by hammering cream in a periodic and continuous way, we identified the disadvantages of the technology for increased microbial contamination at the stages of preparing cream for hammering and adding fillers. According to SSU 4399: 2005 “Butter. Technical conditions”a description of the finished product was made with the characteristics of the composition of the product, the state of the packaging, the duration and conditions of storage of the product, consumer practice. In the flowchart of butter production by the continuous method of knitting cream together, technological operations are presented with the specification of additional operations and actions: storage of skim milk and cream, addition of salt and dye, and the resulting packaging materials. Hazards that can affect the safety and quality of the oil have been analyzed and identified. With the help of prerequisite programs, critical control points in butter production have been established: pasteurization of cream; cooling and physical maturation of the cream.It was found that the corrective actions for monitoring control at critical control points are chemical measurements: determination of active and titratable acidity of cream and microbiological studies. The points of control of butter production were determined, indicating the control indicators: pasteurization mode, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, temperature, ripening duration. The detection and monitoring of critical control points in the butter production process allows a more efficient and cost-effective method to achieve quality and safety than traditional means of inspection and testing of finished products. Key words: HACCP system, HACCP principles, hazards, block diagram, prerequisite programs, critical control points, control monitoring, biological risks.

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