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Vitamin E as an inhibitor of oxidative damage to goose meat storage
The vitamin E effect on the lipid peroxidation product content and the endogenous antioxidant activity (at -18 C during the different types of storage) has been studied in goose meat. The goose meat of three samples has been used for storage. Meat of control sample has been obtained from geese fed by the standard diet.
The 1st meat test sample of geese differs from the control group by two times higher content of vitamin E (40 mg / kg) in their diet from the 42nd to the 63rd day.
Meat of the 2nd test sample obtained from the control group of geese is processed by a vitamin E solution (calculated at 100 mcg per g of meat) immediately before storage. The shelf life of meat is 210 days. It has been established that the intensive accumulation of the secondary lipid peroxidation products begins from the 90th day in the goose meat during its storage. In the goose diet a double increase of the vitamin E has contributed a significant (by 27.6%, p ≤ 0.05) TBA-AP decrease in the first meat test sample in comparison with the control group at the end of the experiment.
The addition of vitamin E to the diet of geese has contributed the stabilization of the antioxidant pool in their meat. It has been confirmed by a 1.88-fold lower level of TBА-AP upon initiation of peroxide oxidation of Fe2+ and by the higher coefficient of antioxidant activity (36.0%, p ≤ 0.05) in this sample in comparison with the control on the 210th day.
At the end of the experiment, the vitamin E content is higher 41.7 % (p ≤ 0.01) in the first sample than in the control,
β-carotene - 15.0 % (p ≤ 0.05), and vitamin A is at the level of the control sample. Processed goose meat with a solution of vitamin E also provides reliable inhibition of peroxidation processes during the first half of the experiment.
However, at the end of the experiment the content of TBА-AP reaches the level of the corresponding control indices in the 2nd test sample of meat. From the 120th day, there has been the more intensive use of endogenous antioxidants. The antioxidant activity coefficient decreasing to the control level on the 210th day in this meat sample is its conformation. The meat of this sample differs by a higher content of β-carotene from the control sample significantly (by 13.5%, p ≤ 0.05). Thus, to obtain a prolonged antioxidant effect during low-temperature storage of meat it is more advisable to add vitamin E to the diet of geese in the pre-slaughter period.
Key words: geese, meat storage, lipoperoxidation products, antioxidant activity, vitamins E, A, β-carotene.
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