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One of the pressing problems of modern biochemistry is the problem of adaptation of animal organism to the environment and the formation of an adaptive reaction to the negative impact of production stress factors. Among such adaptive mechanisms for rabbits in the conditions of intensive rabbit meat management is the development of oxidative stress, which causes the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the body and the development of reactive oxygen pathology. An important role in the mechanism of adaptation of the body belongs to lipids, because they are a structural component of cell membranes and act as energy and signal systems in cells. Peroxide oxidation of lipids is a compensatory reaction that ensures the functioning of the organism for changes in the environment. The content of total lipids and peroxide oxidation products of lipids, as well as the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant defense system in rabbits from birth to 90 days of age was investigated. It has been established that the content of total lipids in brain tissues increases throughout the period of postnatal ontogenesis due to the peculiarities of the functional and metabolic activity of brain cells. The content of common lipids is closely related to the processes of lipid peroxide oxidation and the activity of enzymes of antioxidant defense. The growth in concentration of peroxide oxidation products is accompanied by a decrease in the content of total lipids in the rabbit tissues. Reduced content of TBARSproducts in rabbit brain tissue from birth to 90-day age was noted. A moderate (r = 0.66) correlation between the content of lipid conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, as well as the strong correlation (r = -0.77) between the contents of lipid conjugated dienes and TBARS-products has been established. In the heart of rabbits a reversible moderate (r = -0.62) correlation between the content of lipid conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides has been revealed.
Key words: rabbits, development, lipid peroxidation, brain, heart, longest muscle of the back.
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