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Season dynamics of microclimate parameters in the premises for keeping suckling sows farm with different ventilation systems
The article investigated the dependence of the microclimate indicators in the premises for keeping suckling sows on the design features of the ventilation system. The annual dynamics of seasonal temperature fluctuations in both premises of the reproducer of the farm, as well as in the zone of piglets' vital activity, was recorded within the normal range. At the same time, when using the classical type of ventilation, the temperature indicators were significantly higher in summer compared to similar values in premises with a geothermal type of ventilation. At the same time, the amplitude of fluctuations in the annual dynamics of the piglet den temperature was higher in premises with an experimental type of ventilation relative to the traditional one and with a slight relative excess of the optimal value of the indicator by 0,1 ° C in the spring months. The temperature regime of the den of sows both in the study and in the control premises during the study period was characterized by uneven differences in off-season indicators: when using classical ventilation, the peak fell in the summer period, when using ventilation with underground air supply, in winter, however, without exceeding the optimal values. The air velocity in both rooms increased during the summer months. At the same time, with the traditional system for creating a microclimate, a stable reliable excess of this indicator relative to the values of the studied system was recorded, as well as its excess of the norm in summer. For the studied system with underground air supply, on the contrary, low values were noted and extremely low in the winter season. Both ventilation systems ensured optimal air humidity during the study period. The carbon dioxide content tended to increase in the autumn months in both premises, however, it exceeded the norm only when using traditional ventilation during this period – by 0,02% vol. Average values of ammonia content were kept in the optimal zone during all seasons with a slight increase in concentrations in autumn. However, the experimental microclimate system allowed a significantly higher NH3 content than in control premises system in the summer months at 1,99 mg/m3 or 150,09%. The hydrogen sulfide content was optimal for both premises during the year. But the premises where the investigated air preparation system "Exatop" was installed significantly higher in the concentration of H2 S, by 64,81% (p<0,001) in spring, by 61,14% (p<0,001) in summer and by 43,00% (p<0,001) in autumn, relative to premises with a traditional air preparation system. Despite the shown dependence of the microclimate indicators on the type of ventilation, it should be noted that it is important to continue further studies of the influence of these factors. Key words: sow, piglet, type of ventilation, multiple births, piglet nest weight, safety, season.
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