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Effectiveness of numuid fattening of hybrid pgs grown in non-face and two-face method
The purpose of the research was to study the fattening productivity of pigs grown under two-phase rearing, with different durations of the phases of this period of the production cycle in the conditions of an industrial complex under liquid feeding. It was established that the intensity of growth of fattening pigs depended on the phase of growth and the duration of its second phase during which a liquid feeding system was used. Pigs with two-phase rearing outperformed their counterparts with a single-phase method in average daily and absolute growth by 1.3–8.7%, relative growth by –0.45–1.01%, were better by –0.14– 0.21 % preservation of animals during fattening and higher by 1.7–9.4% of their live weight at the end of fattening. Also, they had a 1.2–6.4% shorter age of reaching a weight of 120 kg and a 5.1–22.8% shorter fattening quality index. According to the average daily feed consumption at fattening, the amount of feed consumed per period and its value per animal, no clear regularity was established between the animals of the control and experimental groups. Feed costs per 1 kg of growth and its feed cost were 2.4–4.4% higher in animals that consumed dry feed throughout the growing period. It has been proven that pigs with the use of a two-phase method of rearing and liquid feeding during the second phase of rearing had a 3.4–12.2% higher cost of production when put on fattening, and as a result, with an almost equal cost of fattening, it was higher by 2.31 -7.7 cost per head upon completion of breeding. At the same time, due to the higher live weight at the end of fattening, they had a 1.7–9.4% higher selling price per animal, a 0.6– 12.5% higher income from growing and fattening a single animal, and a 2.2–2.5% better profitability of this process. It was established that the best results in fattening were achieved by pigs in which the second phase of rearing under liquid feeding lasted more than half of this period. With this method of rearing and feeding, they outnumbered animals of other groups that had a longer phase of rearing with the use of a dry method of feeding – according to the sales price of one head by 5.0–9.4%, income from the sale of one head by 5.6–12.5% and the profitability of raising and fattening one pig by 0.3–3.4%. At the same time, they had a higher 4.7–5.9 cost of fattening one head, by 4.8–5.1% of the cost of this head at the end of fattening compared to animals of other groups.
Key words: piglets, rearing, pigs, fattening, method of feeding, gains, feed conversion, cost, income, profitability.
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